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Ehrlo Counselling Services

Provides a range of quality assessment, treatment, education, support, and community services that improve the lives of children, youth, and their families.

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Exciting new logo

You may have noticed our Ehrlo Counselling Services (ECS) logo is looking a little different.

We are happy to announce we are officially updating the Ehrlo Counselling logo to include and honour its given traditional name, Thundering Buffalo Lodge.

Ehrlo Counselling’s past traditional naming ceremony and feast was an incredible honour which acknowledged the respect and strong commitment to the relationship between ECS and Indigenous peoples, whom we thank for taking care of the land on which we work and live and honouring us with our spirit name.

The ceremony was part of Ranch Ehrlo Society’s ongoing commitment to our journey towards truth and reconciliation, strengthening our understanding of our Indigenous clients, participants, and community with whom we serve while strengthening our cultural knowledge.

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