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Ehrlo Counselling Services

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Healing through Dialectical Behavioural Therapy

Seven individuals, previously struggling to manager their emotional responses and facing long waitlists for support, have found relief in a pilot group designed to teach skills and strategies for emotional regulation.

A nine-week pilot group facilitated by Ehrlo Counselling for Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) was held for people in the Regina area who live with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder, complex post-traumatic stress disorder, or multiple symptoms that meet the criteria for DBT treatment.

Through the course of nine weeks, seven individuals experienced the four pillars of DBT, learning skills in mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance.

“DBT is a broad based cognitive-behavioural treatment that is useful for those who experience problems with both under control and over control of emotions and their associated cognitive and behavioural patterns,” explained Kristie Panchuk, clinical social worker.

Several of the pilot’s participants expressed their appreciation for the closed, small group environment and credited feeling safe and comfortable to the relaxed atmosphere.  

One participant not only felt welcomed and supported by the warmth of the group but said that after three years of waiting for DBT she was glad to participate in the group which has added value and skills to her life.

“Any time we, as clinicians, can provide skills to improve someone’s daily life and reduce suffering is a success,” said Kristie.

DBT is traditionally facilitated in a group setting and provides foundational skills for clients in emotional regulation and distress tolerance. Having access to these types of coping skills is beneficial in daily life and also helps establish a foundation of resources for individual therapy, should the participant choose to engage in that.  

The group facilitators, Kristie along with colleague and psychologist Ian Reid, hope to offer the DBT group twice per year, helping to offset waitlists and to continue serving the needs of the community.

Learn more about DBT and other forms of therapy available at ECS.

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