Learning to help others
Andrea Nicholl -
Sep 5, 2024
When Cindy Bear saw students struggling in her classroom she decided to help, pursuing higher education and a practicum placement at Ehrlo Counselling Services (ECS).
Between classes and before and after school, Cindy Bear would find herself surrounded by students looking for someone to talk to. She lent a listening ear, offered guidance, and gave encouragement when it was needed.
Cindy quickly realized her influence as a teacher was needed in capacities beyond academics. In 2015, she took a leave of absence from her job at Cowesses Community Education Centre to pursue a degree in inclusive education. Upon completion of that degree, Cindy chose in 2021 to continue her studies, this time pursuing a master’s degree in educational psychology with a focus on counselling.
Unfortunately, at this same pivotal time, Cindy also began a battle with cancer. Nevertheless, she persevered and pursued her dream.
“I was determined. I wasn’t going to let anything stop me,” she said with conviction. “I saw so much need for this type of work in the classroom. I had a lot of high school kids, and even younger kids, feel comfortable with me. They always navigated to my classroom and helping them just came naturally, so that’s what pushed me to finish my master’s.”
As part of her degree completion, Cindy must complete 400 practicum hours, and an additional 150 direct contact hours to fulfill her goal of registering with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association to become a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC).
While her heart is partial to working with youth and young adults, Cindy said she is open to new experiences and working with people from all walks of life.
“Everybody keeps asking me what area I’d like to focus on but I’m open to anything. I don’t know if I’ve found my niche, but yes, my heart is with the kids and the young adults.”
Cindy began her practicum at Ehrlo Counselling on August 26th and said the first week was fulfilling, insightful, and an experience second to none.
“It is farther away from home than expected, but the experience I’ll have here is incomparable to any other,” she said, referring to her home on Ochapowace First Nation. “Ehrlo Counselling, much like Ranch Ehrlo, is a forward-thinking organization and I’m very excited to be part of that culture – to be part of a positive change.”
Upon graduation, Cindy will pursue her CCC designation and return teaching while navigating her future path.
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