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Ehrlo Early Learning Centre

Offers high quality childcare to families in the city of Regina through the cooperation and involvement of parents, children, and caregivers.

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EELC director presents at world forum

Ranch Ehrlo’s director of Ehrlo Early Learning Centre (EELC) recently took to an international stage to share inspiration and information on issues impacting children and families.

Karin Duff, director of EELC, presented at the World Forum on Early Care and Education on April 17th, as co-chair for the Saskatchewan Early Learning and Care Leaders’ Caucus (SKLC). Karin has been active in local, provincial, and national discussions to transform the province’s early learning and childcare sector as a member of the SKLC since its inception in 2010 and co-chair since 2018.  

Previously on the advisory committee for Re-Imagining Professional Learning, Karin was invited to join two project leads and the co-chair of the Alberta Early Learning and Care Leaders’ Caucus to present as part of an expert panel on Relational Leadership: Engagement and Moving Forward.

“We presented to a full room of approximately 80 people, and the response to the presentation was incredibly positive,” said Karin. “Throughout the conference, I continued to have people from several countries reach out and commend me on the presentation.”

In addition to the presentation delivered by Karin and her colleagues, were appearances by the president of the world forum, and two women from the United States who highlighted research and data related to effective early childhood leadership for the benefit of staff, families, and children.

Karin’s participation in the world forum and her passion for early learning advocacy is a testament to the dedicated forces behind EELC programs and Ranch Ehrlo’s commitment to excellence. This collaborative work helps further early learning for our organization and for those across the country.  

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