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Ehrlo Early Learning Centre

Offers high quality childcare to families in the city of Regina through the cooperation and involvement of parents, children, and caregivers.

Explore Early Learning
Select Community Program


Hours of operation

Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Closed statutory holidays)

Fee structure

(payment of centre fees is due on the first working day of every month)

The rates have changed for children under six years old, and are as follows:


Ehrlo Early Learning Centre Fee

Parent Fee  (Fee for children under six years old who are eligible for Fee Reduction Grant)





$40.14/day $10/day


Ehrlo Early Learning Centre Fee

Parent Fee  (Fee for children under six years old who are eligible for Fee Reduction Grant)





$36.43/day $10/day

Our September rates are in effect for all children six years old and older including our school age fees. 

The month following a child’s sixth birthday, the parent is responsible for the full EELC fee regardless of whether the child is preschool/kinder or school age category.  Fees charged will be based on the latest EELC fee schedule.

School year fees: 

  • Full-time $532/month
  • Part-time $330/month
  • Mornings $246/month
  • Afternoons $300/month
  • Hourly $6.87

Summertime fees:

  • Full-time $644/month
  • Weekly fee $195

Short weeks will be prorated.