017 marks the Outdoor Hockey League’s (OHL) 25th year of operation and the 20th anniversary of the Ehrlo Sport Library. Sport Venture’s most popular and well-known league has grown exponentially since it began, with over 200 youth participating in the 2016-17 season.<!--more-->

Susan Lytle has been an OHL volunteer for nearly all of the league’s 25 years. In that time, she has met countless amazing youth, as well as others who share her passion for helping them experience organized sport.

“You hear a lot of people talk about how kids need something constructive to do so they stay out of trouble. I used to think, ‘somebody should do something about that’ – and then I realized that I am somebody, so I did,” she said.

Susan sat down with us recently to share some of her favourite memories of her time as a volunteer with the OHL.


We are inviting you to join us in celebrating our anniversaries!

What: A community gathering to celebrate Sport Venture – everyone is welcome! (free food, games, and much more)

When: October 14th, 1 – 4 p.m.

Where: Sport Venture Library (2730 5th Avenue, Regina)

There have been plenty of exciting things planned for the day, including:

  • The event will consist of:

  • Road hockey games

  • K9 ( from the Regina Pats will be on hand)

  • Free burger lunch

  • Free giveaways

  • Tour of the library

  • Opportunity to sign up to utilize the libraries services

  • Chance to learn about our leagues in the community and how they have grown over the years

  • Facepainting

  • Chance to try out skills for all four  leagues

  • Register for the OHL and book a time for the Dress-A-Champion program

Sport Venture anniversray