
Ehrlo Sport Venture

Provides youth and families with control of, and access to, a variety of recreational programs and removes barriers to allow everyone to participate in sport.

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October newsletter available now

Join us as we review the success of summer programs and look forward to the start of some of our most popular leagues.

The past couple of months were incredibly fulfilling for the staff and volunteers of Ehrlo Sport Venture. The team spent significant time engaging with the community at the Ehrlo Baseball Rookie League windup, the annual South Saskatchewan Community Foundation Friendraiser, and the All Nations Hope Foundation community event.  

A highlight this summer was the first-ever Community Play Days, hosted in partnership with the City of Regina and Regina Exhibition Association Limited (REAL). The program was an overwhelming success and a great opportunity for families to engage in recreation while learning more about the important work that we do.

Learn more about our league activities, special events, and incredible supporters in the October edition of the ESV newsletter available now. Read the newsletter here or subscribe to receive the bi-monthly newsletter directly to your inbox.

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