
Ehrlo Sport Venture

Provides youth and families with control of, and access to, a variety of recreational programs and removes barriers to allow everyone to participate in sport.

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OHL timeline

Ehrlo Sport Venture’s Outdoor Hockey League (OHL) is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. It is a time for us to reflect on the past and plan for the future. From its humble beginnings in a Regina classroom to a league that now welcomes over 300 youth a year, the OHL allows all youth the opportunity to play hockey by removing the financial barriers.

Other memorable moments in the OHL in the past 30 years:

Russ Matthews

1992- Russ Matthews introduces Dress-A-Champion in his classroom, collecting 400 skates and 2,000 pieces of equipment.

1993 –Introduction of the OHL at Grassick Park for 100 players.

1995 – Ehrlo Community Services created which oversees the OHL.

1996 – Ehrlo Sport Venture is created.

1997 – The lending library of sports equipment is created in an abandoned church to outfit inner-city youth.

1997 - OHL started in Prince Albert.

1998—OHL expanded to seven rinks in the city of Regina.

OHL Olympics 

1998—OHL Olympic Hockey Tournament held at Sherwood Twin Hockey Arena (coordinator Ken Jones wins volunteer award in the special events category for his efforts).

1998—Sport Venture opens its doors at 2825 Saskatchewan Drive.

1999 – High Noon Optimist Club starts their “Sticks for Kids” in conjunction with Dress-A-Champion.

Reader's Digest

2000- The OHL is written up in Readers Digest and National Geographic.

2000—NHL player Mike Sillinger agrees to be honorary captain of the OHL.

2004—Hockey celebrity Don Cherry visits OHL headquarters on Saskatchewan Drive.

2006 –First Mayor’s cup held at Brandt Centre.

2007 - Sports Venture moves to 5th Ave, a larger space for the library.

2008 – Ken Dryden visits Grassick Park rink.

2011 – Ehrlo Community Service amalgamates with Ranch Ehrlo. Sports Venture is accredited under COA (volunteers require criminal record checks and references).

2012 – OHL celebrates its 20th anniversary.

2016 – Former ESV manager Amanda McConnell, travels to the Himalayas to donate hockey equipment and share her knowledge with a local team.

Fred Sasakamoose

2016 – The late Fred Sasakamoose drops the puck at an indoor game at the Cooperator’s Centre in Regina.

2018- OHL is featured on Roger’s Hometown Hockey.

2019- Gloria Patrick becomes the new manager of Ehrlo Sport Venture.

2022 – OHL plays a game at the Frost Winter Festival at Wascana Centre with Honourable Lieutenant Governor Russ Mirasty and Donna Mirasty in attendance.

2022- OHL celebrates its 30th anniversary.

OHL today
Today the OHL is gearing up for its next season which kicks off in December. Registrations for the 2022-2023 season will open soon.

We will also be celebrating our upcoming anniversary with a celebratory family skating event on November 2nd from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. at the Brandt Centre rink for Ehrlo Sport Venture players, parents, volunteers, and sponsors. Come skate on the same rink as the Regina Pats! If you are interested in coming, please RSVP to  We hope to see you there!

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