Ranch Ehrlo’s northern Emergency Receiving (ER) program has relocated to better meet the needs of the children and youth it serves. 

The northern ER program formerly operated from Ranch Ehrlo’s Buckland campus, provides emergency care services to children and youth who need a place to stay while the Ministry of Social Services determines the best care plan.  

CEO Natalie Huber explained program relocation was in the best interests of the children, making services in the city more accessible and the home more ergonomic.  

“This Emergency Receiving program began in 2018 in Flegel House on the Buckland campus, and while the property initially met the six-bed capacity requirements, we found shortcomings in the overall layout and functionality of the home,” Natalie said during the program’s official opening Wednesday afternoon. “Increasing responsibilities to meet medical, social, and educational needs for the youth also highlighted issues with the program’s former location and so we made the decision to move the home into the city of Prince Albert.” 

The official opening of the new program was held on June 19th. The home was blessed and smudged by Elders Liz Settee and Curtis Breaton. The duo also held a pipe ceremony earlier in the year, prior to the first child entering the program. Program manager Sean Bader who had the role of MC, introduced CEO Natalie Huber, and former director Kevin Mugford who welcomed guest of honour Alan Fraser and his family.  

The new program will be named Fraser House, paying homage to former board member Alan Fraser and honouring Ranch Ehrlo’s tradition of bestowing new buildings with the names of former board members. Alan is the program’s namesake in recognition of the contributions he made to the board from 2013 to 2016. He also chaired the audit committee of the board from 2014 to 2016 and remains an active community leader and friend to Ranch Ehrlo Society, attending many events and activities over the years.  

Alan and Barb Fraser with family. 

“I am deeply humbled and at the same time excited and honoured that Ranch Ehrlo has chosen my name for this house,” he said. “This is an honour that my family and I will forever treasure.” 

Fraser House will provide nine spaces for emergency care services to children ages zero through 11 years old. A dedicated and knowledgeable staff including a program manager, house parent, multiple program workers, youth care workers, and leaders will provide services around the clock, providing care 24 hours per day, seven days per week.  

Fraser House is the fourth ER program operated by Ranch Ehrlo, complementing two like programs in Pilot Butte and the recently opened Samson House in Corman Park.  

To learn more about the ER programs at Ranch Ehrlo, see here.