We are a family-focused agency and our goal is to keep families together whenever possible. The agency operates four family-focused programs that prevent the placement of children out of their homes, assist families to reunite after having a child in care, or provide family-based care for children.
Family Treatment Program aims to improve family safety, family functioning, and child wellbeing so families can remain together. The program provides services to the whole family to assist families to safely care for their children and prevent out-of-home care, or to assist families to reunite after having a child in care.
Intensive Family Preservation Services is an intensive six-week in-home family treatment program that works with families referred by the Ministry of Social Services from the southern region of the province. It is designed to stabilize and strengthen families and to prevent out-ofhome placement of children.
Treatment Foster Care provides a supportive environment for children to live and thrive in a family setting. Foster families support the care, treatment, and community engagement of the children in their care while helping to develop and strengthen healthy relationships between the child and their birth family.
Family Centred Addiction Program based out of Moose Jaw, is an innovative addictions treatment program that supports not only the individual struggling with substance use, but also their immediate family.