Ranch Ehrlo has a new initiative involving participants’ families!

While family involvement has always been an integral part of a participant’s treatment program, the agency will take the next step to establish up a structured family advisory committee consisting of the families of participants from our Group Living Services as well as the Supported Living Program.

“Ranch Ehrlo is committed to the practice of continuous improvement,” explained Dr. Karl Mack, director of child youth development. “One of the ways the Ranch does that is listening to the feedback from various groups who experience the program.”

In 2017, Ranch Ehrlo adopted the CARE model. One of the six CARE principles is ‘family involvement'.

“The principle states that programs like ours will do a better job if there is a commitment to partner with families and to engage families,” Karl said.

The committee will provide input and feedback on how the Ranch may be able to improve.

The objective is to create a reflective committee that works in the best interest of those people who come to Ranch Ehrlo for developmental support.

The committee will meet three times a year, with their first meet-up in June 2023. If you are a family member of a current participant and are interested in joining the committee, please email Karl.