It’s been tradition every year for Ranch Ehrlo to reflect on the past 365 days, taking inventory of the events, the designations, and the large-scale celebrations we’ve shared as an organization, but this year we’re looking back at 2024 with a wider lens – seeing a bigger and more beautiful picture.  

While it’s important to reflect on the incredible and collective achievements the agency has accomplished over the past year, it’s critical we look at the people – at our participants and our staff. We must recognize the hardships they have endured, the changes they have made, and the goals they have achieved.

Why? Because it’s people who are at the very heart of what we do and why we do it.

More than 1,000 employees and hundreds of participants make up the mosaic that is Ranch Ehrlo; the silent strides they made, the battles they fought, and the mountains they moved are the true highlights of this past year.

So, while we recall our status as a top employer or celebrate the opening of a new program, it’s equally important to recognize the successes that belong to the people who do the work and receive the support.

This year, we celebrate the Supported Living Program (SLP) participant who landed their first job, the family who was reunited after having a child in care, and the teenage girl who thrived despite all odds. We’re proud of the staff who earned their degree, and the couple who welcomed their first child; we congratulate the staff who retired after 25 years, and we celebrate another who just started their journey.   

It’s amazing to reflect on all that you have achieved, and what we have accomplished together this past year. We look forward to a strong and bright New Year.

Top Employer: Ranch Ehrlo was named one of Saskatchewan Top Employers for the 13th consecutive year, recognizing the agency as an exceptional place to work.

Ukeru: Ranch Ehrlo introduced Ukeru, a new and innovative crisis management tool to help improve safety at the Ranch. The crisis management approach prioritizes comfort over control and complements the agency’s CARE principles and Therapeutic Crisis Intervention techniques, further enhancing the quality of life for participants and the safety of our staff.

Corman Park ER opened: Ranch Ehrlo celebrated the official opening of Samson House, an Emergency Receiving (ER) program at the Corman Park campus. Samson House is a six-bed home that provides short-term emergent care to youth ages 12- 15, while the Ministry of Social Services determines the best care plan.

Ehrlo Housing Lakeshore renovations: Ehrlo Housing proudly unveiled its first refurbished apartment at Lakeshore Village. The apartment will serve as a prototype as the team embarks on the renovation of all 44 apartment units. The upgrades are in response to changes in the local rental market.

Powwow: Hundreds of people converged on our Pilot Butte campus this summer to take part in the seventh annual powwow. A record number of dancers and attendees enjoyed an afternoon of drumming and dancing, providing opportunity for the community and Ranch staff and participants to engage with Indigenous culture and ceremony.

4 Seasons of Reconciliation: Ranch Ehrlo expanded the online “4 Seasons of Reconciliation” mandatory training course to include all staff throughout the agency. The initiative is reflective of Ranch Ehrlo’s commitment to furthering the action points laid out in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action. The training course is intended to build cultural competency among staff, fostering a more therapeutic and enhanced environment for participants.  

Music therapy program expansion: The agency has successfully expanded its therapeutic music program, doubling capacity and substantially increasing its reach to include more programs, participants, and session time. In 2024, Ranch Ehrlo was the recipient of a $65,000 grant from the National Music Centre (NMC), enabling and sustaining the program’s growth.

Ehrlo Sport Venture cookie campaign:  Local Tim Hortons stores chose Ehrlo Sport Venture (ESV) as the charity of choice for the third consecutive year in its Holiday Smile Cookie campaign. Between November 18 and 24th, 100 per cent of all Holiday Smile Cookies sales in Regina, Balgonie, and Emerald Park were earmarked for ESV and the Tim Hortons Foundation Camps. The community rallied together to purchase cookies, promote the cause, and support the campaign – raising $42,397 for Sport Venture leagues.