Trudy BoschOur residential programs assist youth and adults in learning and developing new and healthier patterns in many ways. One way is by using therapeutic activities. Our activities are intended to provide opportunities for fun and growth, and teach problem solving and work skills while remaining competency centred, based on each individual’s specific needs.

Our staff use sequential planning to create opportunities for growth during activities, in the hopes that people will come together and support each other through team work.

What does this type of planning look like in an activity at the Ranch? Here are some examples:

A Youth Care Leader at Hilsden House lead six young boys through a month-long hockey sequential plan with the end outcome of the youth watching the Regina Pats take on the Brandon Wheat Kings. Before the kids could take in the action they first had to build up their knowledge of the sport, learn the rules, and gain knowledge of past Canadian legends in the game. Then they got to create memories, seeing it live.

Our annual 3-Mile race gives all youth an opportunity to prepare for the race using sequential planning. A youth can start off with running for 5 minutes, and build up until they can run the full three miles.

An Alex Guy youth had a year of growth – alongside a calf he raised with the local 4-H club. The youth spent several hours every week learning to take care of the calf. He was tasked with everything from handling to grooming. The planned activity ended with the youth selling the animal at auction.

Camp trip
MacKay House built a sequential plan into their 10-day canoe camp trip. Early in the trip, the group learned and practiced canoe skills and portaging on the calm waters. As the trip progressed, the group moved on to the more challenging, faster moving waters. On the final day, the group set out to canoe up the Churchill River to Barker’s Island – a five-hour return trip. After a difficult portage, the group eventually reached the island to enjoy fishing, swimming, and a picnic.