Ranch Ehrlo, founded in 1966, is a multi-service agency offering accredited mental health, developmental, and community programs across Saskatchewan, serving children, youth, and adults with complex needs from across Canada.
Provides a range of quality assessment, treatment, education, support, and community services that improve the lives of children, youth, and their families.
Provides youth and families with control of, and access to, a variety of recreational programs and removes barriers to allow everyone to participate in sport.
Ranch Ehrlo completed its final step in its year-long reaccreditation process to ensure that we continue to deliver the highest quality services to children, youth, adults, and families.
Peer reviewers from the Council on Accreditation (COA) visited Ranch Ehrlo from September 18th to 21st. COA is an international, non-profit human service accrediting organization that accredits more than 2,200 organizations. They review agencies based on a set of standards that are developed in conjunction with international subject matter experts.
The site visit follows an extensive self-study to evaluate all our processes. During the visit, a five-member team conducted on-site file reviews at the agency’s three campuses, toured various facilities in Regina, Prince Albert, and Moose Jaw, and conducted meetings and one-on-one interviews with dozens of staff, participants, and board members. Several members of the accreditation team had
previously evaluated the Ranch.
Entrance meeting at the Corman Park campus
“You don’t always remember every organization you review but we remember yours because of the quality of your services,” said Dale Peterson, COA team lead.
During the exit meeting on Sept. 22nd Ranch employees gathered to hear comments from the COA peer review team. The five-person team consisted of Juanita Iwamoto, Bridget Leman, Amy Haile, Carl Hatch-Feir, and team lead Dale Peterson.
Common themes that emerged from the reviews included the review team’s appreciation for the Ranch’s commitment to best practices, continuous improvement, and learning, with internal integrity seen throughout the agency.
During the exit meeting with Ranch leadership Dale said, “This is an amazing organization; it was a privilege to be here.”
Amy said she was impressed with how quality improvement is in the DNA
Lunch at Welke House
of the agency – it's woven through every aspect of the Ranch.
Bridget said, “This visit was good for my soul.”
She also expressed accolades for the calm and caring environments of the two northern campuses, and for our therapeutic camping program which showed her what hope and resiliency can accomplish.
Ranch CEO Natalie Huber thanked the team at the end of their presentation and thanked the staff and board for the work they had accomplished getting to this point.
“Thank you to the peer review team for your kind words and for affirming and validating the work we do on an ongoing basis,” said Natalie.
The agency is currently waiting for communication regarding any areas that might need to be addressed. We expect to hear the final results of the reaccreditation process by the end of November 2023.
Our next reaccreditation will be in 2027.
Ranch Ehrlo was first accredited in 1977. We are one of less than 50 COA-approved agencies in the country, and the only COA-accredited organization in Saskatchewan!