
Ranch Ehrlo Society

Ranch Ehrlo, founded in 1966, is a multi-service agency offering accredited mental health, developmental, and community programs across Saskatchewan, serving children, youth, and adults with complex needs from across Canada.

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Aid foundation helping Ranch participants

Hundreds of Ranch Ehrlo youth and young adults have benefited from programs provided by the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada, and this year is no exception. Through two key initiatives—the Scotiabank Stay in School Program and the Ted and Loretta Rogers Foster Care Comfort Kit Program—participants are receiving both educational support and essential resources to help them succeed.

Scotiabank Stay in School Program
The award is an annual grant received from the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada through the Scotiabank Stay in School Program. The program, introduced to Ranch students in 2008, was established to recognize students who are doing exceptionally well in school given their difficult personal circumstances. This year, Ranch Ehrlo received $30,000 to help encourage students to stay and succeed in the classroom.

Ranch students are eligible for the award each semester. Students are reviewed and nominated by criteria including: overcoming significant academic challenges; demonstrating academic excellence, participating in extracurricular activities, and having overcome a particularly challenging experience.

"Many of the youth at the Ranch have faced challenges in school, so seeing them show up every day and working towards achieving their goals is truly inspiring," said Corinna Hayden-Fidler, vice-president of education at Ranch Ehrlo. "This award provides extra motivation for them to become successful students, get involved in sports and activities, and continue to progress in education."

Comfort kits are back
Launched in 2013, the Ted and Loretta Rogers Foster Care Comfort Kit Program, through the Children's Aid Foundation of Canada, aims to significantly improve the experience of coming into foster care, kinship care, or customary care for children and youth across Canada.

In partnership with over 20 child welfare agencies nationwide, this program provides backpacks stuffed with items and resources that bring comfort, well-being, safety, and a sense of security to young people struggling to cope with an overwhelming period of their lives.

“On behalf of all the students who have received the awards and the backpacks, we are very appreciative of the support provided by the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada. Without their support we wouldn’t be able to provide the students with this additional incentive to do well in school,” Corinna concluded.

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