Geoff The vision of Dr. Geoff Pawson (1938 – 2012)

The vision of one man in the mid-1960s has evolved into the quality treatment programs that are now recognized internationally for their excellence in transforming the lives of children, youth, adults, and families. That man, Dr. Geoff Pawson, who opened the doors to the Ranch Ehrlo Society on June 1, 1966, left an incredible legacy to all those involved in child and family welfare.

“His philosophy was actually quite simple, and has stood the test of time. He believed that every human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, to be free from harsh discipline, punishment, rejection, and humiliation. Every individual deserves the basics in life – healthy food, a warm bed, a safe home, and relationships with people they trust,” Dr. Pawson’s daughter and current Ranch Ehrlo director of clinical services, Kate Langen explained.

Kate Langen Kate Langen

Kate grew up alongside Ranch Ehrlo and witnessed first-hand her father’s passion for helping youth. She watched as the agency grew from serving just a few children in the early years to the expansive and multi-programmed agency it has become today. As with all momentous endeavors, challenging times have emerged, but Kate doesn’t shy away from discussing these tough times. Instead, she emphasizes her father’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the best possible care for some of the most vulnerable people. Dr. Pawson never lost hope.

“When you stay committed and you really know why you’re doing something, the what and the how just follow along,” Kate said, explaining that regardless of the situation, Dr. Pawson remained focused on his singular mission of helping kids.

Today, Ranch Ehrlo is again in a period of transition. As we approach the 50-year mark, all programs are undergoing an extensive review under the leadership of our new CEO and president, Andrea Brittin. Program reviews provide us an opportunity to ensure that we know why we are doing what we’re doing, and to know with confidence that the programs we offer align with Dr. Pawson’s founding philosophy, and are responsive to the issues facing today’s vulnerable youth and families.

“We’ve been forced to change in the past, and lots of good has come out of that. And, this too will bring lots of good, whether that means improved programming, or improved systems, or just a clearer understanding of why we’re doing what we’re doing”, Kate said. “I think he (Geoff) would have embraced that process, knowing that times do change.”

But, while processes, programs, and leadership inevitably change with time, helping our most vulnerable will always remain at the heart of what the Ranch Ehrlo Society does. We will continue to find ways to encourage our clients to “Go Forward with Pride” for many years to come.

robes Dr. Pawson’s official University of Southern California doctorial robe hangs at our Francis Street location as a reminder of his steadfast commitment to serving children and families. When we pass by this physical reminder of Geoff, may we remember two things: he believed outside validation is not necessary – quality and commitment to a common purpose is more important; and he valued knowledge, innovative thinking, and the pursuit of excellence, and encouraged all Ranch Ehrlo staff members to follow suit.

We invite you to join us in celebrating the start our next 50 years at our 50th anniversary celebration, Sept. 29th at the Queensbury Convention Centre in Regina.