We all need a place to call home. And a place we can afford.

That’s why Ehrlo Housing exists.

In 1997, Ranch Ehrlo developed Ehrlo Housing as part of a preventative stream of services within the community of Regina. Our late founder, Dr. Geoff Pawson, wrote in his book Go Forward With Pride: A Historical Review of the Ranch Ehrlo Society that “prevention stems from a base of adequate housing, provision of job skills and employment, recreational opportunities, and family support services.”

More simply put – when people have a safe place to lay their heads at night, they can focus on developing other skills and providing for themselves and their families. This is a basic truth that will never change and is why Ehrlo Housing still exists today.

Ehrlo Housing has flourished with the help of governments and other community organizations. Over the years it has evolved highlighting Ranch Ehrlo’s commitment and ability to operate and professionally manage quality, safe, and affordable housing within our community. Since then, governments and other community organizations have continued to look to us to provide housing services within the community.

Lakeshore Village provides quality housing for low-income families, with one and two-bedroom units.

Later additions to the program included McEwen Manor in 2011 – a partnership with Phoenix Residential Society and three levels of government that provides affordable housing to people with serious mental health issues and allows them to live independently with 24-hour staffing on-site.

Chaz Court was established in 2014 to fill the gap that exists when young people transition out of care to independent living. There are eight 200-square foot single-occupancy apartments that provide affordable housing and allow young people a greater amount of independence.

Ehrlo Housing has developed a reputation in the community as an organization that really cares about its tenants and works hard to provide individuals access to services and supports in the community as they are required.  This reputation has evolved to become an Ehrlo Housing “brand” that is recognized in the community, as we partner with like-minded organizations to provide services for tenants living in our buildings.

For as long as these needs exist, Ehrlo Housing will be around to meet them.