Alex Guy at awards night Alex Guy presenting at awards night

A senate chair sits empty as an advocate and champion of Ranch Ehrlo Society has been lost.

Dr. Alex Guy recently passed away.

Dr. Guy left a lasting impression at Ranch Ehrlo Society, witnessing and being a part of the agency’s rich history.

"His exceptional contributions to the Ranch are deeply appreciated and he will be greatly missed," commented vice-president of administration at Ranch Ehrlo Society, Carole Bryant. " He truly cared about the youth and was a leader who established practices that are still in use today."

Dr. Guy’s involvement with Ranch Ehrlo began in 1987 when he joined the board of directors, the following year he became vice-president and between 1991 and1993 he sat at board’s helm as president. Dr. Guy was the founding chairperson of Ehrlo Community Services from 1995 until 2003, and also served as an active member of the senate.

The commitment he gave and the pride that he had was honoured on June 7, 1998, when the “Alex Guy House” group home on Buckland campus opened with his name.

Dr. Guy brought tremendous experience to the Ranch.

During his tenure, the board was able to negotiate the establishment of a training program for child and youth care workers at Saskatchewan Polytechnic (formerly SIAST) and was

sympathy card Sympathy card from Alex Guy House youth and staff

“Alex Guy was the CEO’s second mentor. Under Guy’s tutelage, the management team learned how to intersect with government to achieve results,” the late founder of Ranch Ehrlo, Geoff Pawson wrote in Go Forward with Pride: A historical review of the Ranch Ehrlo Society. “He led by example about communication, commitment, and doing battle as necessary.”

Dr. Guy will be missed and fondly remembered.