A full crowd turned out in Regina for the Ranch Ehrlo Society and RES & E Holding Corporation annual general meetings on September 25, 2012.

RES and E Holding Corporation was established as a holding company to manage the property and buildings owned by the Ranch Ehrlo Society and the former Ehrlo Community Services. 

Chair of the corporation, Evan Ulmer called the meeting to order and delivered the chair report. This past year the board reviewed the three-year capital plan of the Ranch and initiated fair market value assessments of three properties currently owned by the agency: Jordan House on the Pilot Butte Campus; the Donalda Hansen Centre for Equine Therapy at the Buckland Campus; and, a single family dwelling located on McTavish Street in Regina.

Ulmer added, “In June the board approved in principle the transfer of 10 acres of land on the Corman Park Campus to facilitate the construction of a sewage line from the campus to the Martensville lagoon.”

Following the meeting, Jim Kenyon the chair of the Ranch Ehrlo board, called to order the annual general meeting for the Ranch. In his speech he recounted the passing of Ranch founder Dr. Geoff Pawson and the transition the agency has experienced. 

Doug Schneider, Chair of the Ranch’s audit committee, presented the financial report for the year ending on May 31, 2012. Doug highlighted key performance indicators that measured the health and performance of the Ranch. The indicators included the Ranch’s occupancy level which for the year was an average of 92.8%, its salary to revenue ratio that saw Ranch staff receiving 72 cents in wages and benefits from every dollar the Ranch earned.

Doug added, “During the year, the Ranch made over $4.4 million investment in capital assets for the programs we deliver.  This investment was in all three campuses and in the City of Regina.  These investments included a new 10 bed group home on the Pilot Butte campus, the completion of McEwen Manor on Osler Street in Regina, roadway paving at the Pilot Butte campus, and the construction of a garage/shop at the Buckland campus.”

[caption id="attachment_10377" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="(l to r) Wanda Falkowsky, Christine Hansen Chad, Duane Hayunga, Andrea Seale, Art Wakabayashi, and Robin Woodward. Absent Dan Perrins."]Retiring board

Seven retiring board members were also honoured for their dedication to the agency. They included: Wanda Falkowsky, Christine Hansen Chad, Duane Hayunga, Dan Perrins, Andrea Seale, Art Wakabayashi, and Robin Woodward.

New board member Laurel Garven was introduced as was the Executive Committee comprised of Chair Jim Kenyon, Vice-Chair Dr. Cyril Kesten, Past Chair Deb Jordan, Secretary Debbie McKague, and Treasurer Heather Collins.

The meeting ended with a key note address from guest speaker Jim Conway from the Search Institute that has spent 50 years acquiring knowledge and resources to help kids succeed.

See the 2011-2012 annual report2011 - 2012 annual report