andreaIt’s easy for people to peacock— to toot their own horn and boast about their accomplishments but in the end the truest measure of success and greatness comes from hard and real studies and statistics.

Numbers don’t lie; they stand for themselves representing performance without bias and without comment. The numbers that stand behind Ranch Ehrlo Society speak volumes.

Remember those dreaded report cards you received in your younger years – the ones that evaluated your strengths, your weaknesses, and your overall performance? Well Ranch Ehrlo is subject to the same sort of evaluation and one of the ways we are assessed is through the annual Agency Scorecard.

The scorecard measures the success of three specific strategic themes and measures the outcomes against targets (goals) previously established. So what kind of things are we measuring? Through the Ranch Ehrlo Society Agency Scorecard 2013-2014 the three strategic themes evaluated were: engaged workforce, financial strength, and quality of programs.

So let’s highlight a few of our performance indicators:

Measure Target 2013-14 Actual
Number of WCB claims per 100 staff Reduction in claims (10.2 in 2012/13) 8
Turnover rate for full-time staff 15% 17%
Number of AWOL days 1.5% .09%
Percentage of residents satisfied 85% 85%
Percentage of parents satisfied 85% 95%
Student goal attainment 85% 93%
(Intermediate outcome) Improved functioning 70% 86%

It’s our duty and obligation to be transparent. While we have had many successes and have achieved several targets, we did fall short on a few of our measures. We hoped to have 78% of our employees respond that they are satisfied or very satisfied although only 72% agreed with this statement. We also aimed to have the percentage of youth living with family and attending school/vocational programs achieve better than the historical average; however this was not the case in 2013/14.

The Agency Scorecard is not the say-all and be-all evaluation of the value and work of Ranch Ehrlo Society, but is used as a tool to gain insight and learn how we can continually improve our services and ensure that our agency is meeting the needs of its clients, staff, and stakeholders.