It’s been almost a year since we started the Ranch archiving project. We have collected boxes, and boxes of our history at the Ranch in the form of old photos, video, slides, and documents from over the past 46 years.

We now have a new archivist, Joanne, to help sort and organize the important collection that is overwhelmingly important to our agency and its legacy.

What we never could have anticipated was the length of time it would take us just to scan and properly document the collection. We thought we would start by working on the 35 mm slides. We are still working on the slides slides a year later.

There seems to be hundreds, upon hundreds of them in the collection (someone in the 70’s was an avid photographer). Each slide needs to be dated and the activity/location/people on the film need to be discovered. Then the slide is digitally scanned and placed on a secure drive and the information regarding the particular slide is documented in a database according to the rules of archival description.

As you can imagine, the process is slooooooow but worth it. Check out some more photos we have unearthed.