Ranch Ehrlo Society was honoured to be chosen by Bayer CropScience as a recipient of their community investment program for 2015. Each year, Bayer chooses a local civic cause, health and social service, or arts and cultural activity to support. Specifically, Bayer wanted to lend support to the Family Treatment Program and Paper Crane Community Arts Centre operated by Ranch Ehrlo.

“We realized that both the Family Treatment Program and the Paper Crane Community Arts Centre were established to provide services within the community that support and enhance a safe and healthy environment, promoting family wellness and preservation. These worthy programs are aligned with Bayer’s corporate values and culture,” explained Brian Bailey, BayerCrop Science Operations Supervisor regarding the reason for choosing the programs.

As part of the program, Bayer CropScience employees raise cash for the agency with a 50/50 draw and the sale of raffle tickets at their annual Christmas function. Ranch Ehrlo was the recipient of $2,690 from these proceeds. Additionally, each attendee donated a small item from a wish list submitted from the Foster Treatment Program and Paper Crane. The items will go a long way in ensuring these programs continue to run smoothly for the upcoming year.

Linda Meyer, vice president of clinical services, attended the function to explain exactly what Ranch Ehrlo Society and our many community programs do for youth and families throughout the country and right here in our own community.