Guest blog by Treatment Foster Care parent Kayely Rich.

Being a parent is the most important job you’ll ever have; it isn’t over at 2 a.m. when exhaustion hits; it doesn’t let up when you’re sick with the flu; and it demands even more when you think you have nothing left to give.

My husband and I decided to take on the challenge of becoming not only parents, but foster parents.

We became foster parents (part of the Ranch Ehrlo Treatment Foster Care Program) when we saw an advertisement that caught our eye. It was an opportunity to help contribute to and support our growing family, while allowing one parent to stay home. Ranch Ehrlo provides foster parents with a professional living salary with the expectation that you’ll be a professional parent – working 24/7.

One month after welcoming three children into our care, we gave birth to one of our own. It was an intense couple of months to say the least, but we enjoyed it, we learned from it, and everyone thrived. It was especially exciting to see how our baby helped play a part of the therapeutic process for the foster children in our care.

We were able to make a difference in the lives of our children, and they made a difference in ours’.

The Ranch staff have been there for each of us, every step of the way. They have offered a listening ear; given us words of encouragement; connected us with other foster families; and sent us referrals and resources. The staff worked with us one-on-one and as a family, they helped improve communication across the team, and provided us with educational sessions and ongoing training to prepare us and equip us with the skills that we needed.

The Ranch TFC Program is unique in that it strives for reunification of the child(ren) and parent(s) whenever possible.

My husband and I have been fortunate enough to see the reunification of two of our foster children, and are happily working with our third to return him home.

That’s what makes this whole foster parenting gig worth it – we know that we’re all working together to reunite families and bring them together happier and healthier than they were before. We see the kids grow, we make a positive difference in their lives, and we watch the parent’s excitement as they’re reunited with their children.

Saying goodbye is always difficult, but it’s made easier knowing that these kids are going back to live with their mothers, fathers, and the people who love and care for them. Knowing that they are being reunited with their families, and returning to their homes, helps the heart.

Being a foster parent is much like being a parent to your own; it takes time, patience, love, and care. These children may have difficult struggles or heart wrenching stories but they also have a team working to make their childhood happier, safer, and full of love.

They can change your life as much as you can change theirs.