cheyenneAs we ease into our 50th year, I’ve had the opportunity to speak with several former chairs from the Ranch Ehrlo Society’s board of directors, as well as the current chair, Debbie McKague. I asked each of them – Debbie, Cyril Keston, who was the board chair from 2013-2015, Donna Welke, who held the position in 2008 and 2009, and Frank Flegal, chair from 1993-1995 – similar questions.

What I expected was to get answers that were indicative of the time they served. We all know that Ranch Ehrlo has grown and changed dramatically over the years, so I anticipated very different answers for questions like, ‘What is your fondest memory of your time on the board?”

I was pleasantly surprised when each of their answers, instead, had a similar theme. Among the first things that each of them mentioned was the ability to attend events such as Awards Night, which have been part of the Ranch’s fabric since the beginning. They said that these events are one of the few times that they get to interact with the youth and staff in a personal manner and witness firsthand the work that we do here, creating positive change in the lives of our clients.

Each of them expressed how much it meant to them as board members to be part of an organization that is special, staffed with individuals who love their work and truly make a difference in the lives of families and youth.