andreaRanch youth and staff celebrate many annual events throughout the year, from the charity golf tournament to the infamous 3-Mile Race, but none is as special as Awards Night.

Each year, the northern and southern programs gather together for an evening to recognize the excellence, perseverance, and great achievements of the youth.

Awards Night is more than a few speeches and some hardware – it’s a big production that requires hours of planning and the help and coordination of dozens of staff, volunteers, and agency departments.

About 750 people (including family, clients, staff, senate and board members) attend the event.

For many of our young clients, it’s their first opportunity to shine in the spotlight. All too often, our society acknowledges poor behaviours or choices and forgets to recognize and celebrate the good.

Well, Awards Night is all about the good. The evening gives youth the opportunity to take pride in themselves for the hard work, dedication, and achievements they have made in their individual journeys at the Ranch. They are celebrated for their excellence in areas of education, social development, creative arts, sports, and horsemanship. President’s trophies are also awarded to select students for their great endeavors.

The evening isn’t just ribbons, awards, and plaques. Guests are treated to a slideshow presentation, banquet supper, live entertainment, and often a powwow performance presented by the Ranch Ehrlo Powwow Club.

Most importantly, the evening is an opportunity for the youth to reunite with their families, if only for a few hours, to show them the work they have done to become happier and healthier people. It’s a time for youth to share their experiences, to talk about their adventures, and to gloat about their achievements.

Awards Night is such a special event because it’s one that makes our youth feel special and proud to be who they are.