Discover employment at Ranch Ehrlo Society.

You have the chance to make a difference here. You have the influence to change a person’s life.

Three years ago, DJ left his job as a roofer and joined the team at Ranch Ehrlo Society.

“What drew me most to the Ranch was my hope to teach the youth and to lead by influence,” he explained. “I was raised up north in Birch Narrows Dene Nation, so I know how these kids grow up and what some of their lifestyles are like."

After his initial training, DJ started working as a youth care worker at Klassen House, a group home at our Buckland campus.


“I was really, really nervous coming into the job but now I have a handle on it,” he said. “My greatest advice to new employees is to just practice and to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. You have to be human, you have be confident, and you have to have good intentions.”

“Leadership was the first thing I struggled with, but I’m learning and I’ve found my place.”

Within the past three years DJ has formed strong relationships with the youth; many of which relate to his interest and admire his knowledge in survival skills and wilderness training. He has become a more active leader and a teacher, passing on his love of hunting, fishing, and trapping to the youth.

“It’s hard to believe this is work some days,” he said. “It’s an awesome job and I’m thankful every day that I get to do it.”

“These kids are special kids.”