Ranch Ehrlo has a strong presence in the community of Prince Albert, where we have one group home within the city limits and a campus a few kilometres out.

volunteering youth volunteering at Relay For Life

With several years as an educator in northern Saskatchewan under his belt when he started at the agency, Kevin brought a different mindset to the campus that is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

“I had hoped that (by reaching out to the community) it would lead to positive connections for us. We would advertise our good work to attract people from Prince Albert to work at the Ranch,” Kevin explained.

One doesn’t need to look far to see that Kevin’s change in mindset has certainly paid off. The Youth Activity Fair has grown exponentially in its five years, the Outdoor Hockey League portion of the community sports program expanded last year to include youth from neighbouring Wahpeton First Nation, and Kevin fields phone calls on a regular basis asking if his youth would be available to volunteer at community events. But he is quick to give credit where credit is due.

hockey Youth Activity Fair

“I’m so proud of our collective Ranch staff and how they’ve embraced connecting with the community. Some of my connections have contributed to that work but it’s the work of our staff members that made a difference,” he said.

“I think the word is out in Prince Albert that Ranch Ehrlo has good people, we’re grooming positive citizens, and we want to contribute to the community.”


Buckland campus will be celebrating 20 years of going forward with pride in northern Saskatchewan, and want you to join us. On September 19th from 3 – 5 p.m. you are invited to a barbeque at the campus!