A lot can happen in a decade. In the case of our Corman Park campus, a lot of youth have come and gone and a lot of lives have been changed since opening day in 2007.

Staff, youth, and community members gathered to celebrate the campus’ 10-year anniversary on October 13th with a barbeque.

“The celebration was small but joyful,” said Dionne Baergen, director of residential services.

speech at Corman Park campus Speech during the event

“To commemorate the special occasion, the young people worked along side Saskatoon Community Youth Arts Programming to create a Corman Park flag – we are really proud of the effort and insight shown by our youth,” she continued. “But none of this would be possible without the dedication and hard work of our staff – we have a really special group of people working at Corman Park who consistently demonstrate their passion and commitment to helping create positive changes in the lives of young people.”

Like our Buckland campus, Corman Park was created to have a treatment centre closer to home for our northern clients. May House, for example, is primarily an intake unit, but long-term residents are often transferred from our southern campus to be closer to their family living in the north.

The Corman Park campus covers 70 acres and features two residential units (May House and Welke House); the Ellen Gunn Education Centre; the Tim Young Administration Building; an outdoor hockey rink, and a basketball court. It is located approximately 10 kilometres north of Saskatoon, and one kilometre east of Martensville.