Foster parents Heather and Quincy strive to connect all children in their care with a sense of their culture.

Heather and Quincy Heather and Quincy

Two girls are living with Heather and Quincy’s family through the Ranch’s Treatment Foster Care (TFC). The TFC program professionalizes foster care. Parents provide a loving and supportive family environment for youth in their care as well as ensure that the youth are actively involved with their community. A key program outcome is family reunification whenever possible.

The girls started to exhibit an interest in dancing powwow last year, so Heather and Quincy took them to the Ranch’s powwow club.

“They’ve actually taught us some things about protocols as they learned it (from powwow club),” said Heather.

This past summer, the family took in as many powwows as possible. In particular, Heather and Quincy made sure the girls were able to attend the celebrations on their home reserves.

star blanket star blanket

“We’re trying to teach them a more constructive thing to do with their weekend.”

Heather and Quincy are also crafting star blankets for each child in their family including the girls.

“A lot of people in our culture have star blankets,” Heather explained. “We made one for the baby, and the girls decided they wanted one, too.”

A blanket is slightly less work intensive, only taking about two days to complete, but Heather and Quincy are hoping to get the girls involved in sewing their own blankets so they can learn the skill.

They have also begun teaching the girls beading, but Heather notes that they “don’t quite have the patience for it, yet.”