cheyenneI recently sat down with Ranch CEO/president Andrea Brittin to learn a little more about her on a personal level. We talked about everything from animals to seasons!

What is your favourite colour?
It depends – my favourite colours to wear are classic colors like black, white, grey, navy with the odd splash of colour thrown in. My favourite colour for house or office walls is any shade of taupe. But I love bright colours like yellows, oranges and greens for decorating!

Favourite food?
Anything grilled or smoked – steak, pork tenderloin, chicken, vegetables.

Do you have a favourite flower?
Definitely the dahlia – there are so many varieties and gorgeous colours and they bloom all summer long.

What is your favourite movie?
Fried Green Tomatoes. I have likely watched it five or six times. I’m not a big TV/movie watcher so it’s extraordinary that I’ve watched it that many times!

Favourite season?
Definitely fall – I love the cool, crisp air, outdoor fires with big sweaters, and the amazing colours of nature. Plus, I was born in the fall!

Are you a dog or a cat person?
I am definitely a cat person. But our adult children seem to be dog people, so I also have many “grand puppies” that I love!

I know that one of your favourite hobbies is gardening. What makes you enjoy it?
I love being outside, getting my hands dirty, the smell of the earth, and watching things grow.

What do you do in the winter, when there’s less opportunity for gardening or your other favourite pass-time, cycling?
Well, every year I vow I will embrace winter and take up some sport like cross country skiing. However, what I end up doing is reading in front of the fireplace a lot! I also have a gym membership, so I work out indoors.

Do you have a preferred spectator sport?
When my kids were young, I loved watching them play – hockey, lacrosse, dance. Now the only sport I watch is Rider games – and they’ve been a bit dismal as of late!

Where would your ideal vacation spot be?
Anywhere warm and coastal – I love the water!

Lastly, what is your favourite part about working at the Ranch?
Having the privilege of working with all the amazing staff here. They are definitely what makes the place so special!