While all of our programs work hard to reunify youth with their families or communities, Dalla-Vincenza House in Regina is special because it is a family reunification unit. Families are encouraged to come stay with their children, and there are monthly family meeting days.

The other thing that makes the house special is their hamper program.

Susan Susan Craig with a basket

“We’ve been giving families hampers since we were established,” explained housemother Susan Craig. Initially, the hampers were distributed at the family Christmas meal, an annual tradition.

“The families would get a wicker basket filled with household supplies, crafts the kids had made, and baking from our kitchen,” said Susan. “The supplies were purchased throughout the entire year.”

Three years ago, clinical director Kate Langen learned of a new project started by the Food Bank. The program allowed non-profit organizations to visit the Foodbank’s non-food items warehouse to pick up large quantities of household items to give away to families in need. This allowed Dalla-Vincenza’s hamper program to grow and they began offering hampers three or four times per year.

“We’re very grateful for this program because it has allowed us to give more than one hamper per year to our families,” Susan said.

Over the years it has become Susan’s job to pick out items from the Food Bank’s program. During her most recent trip, in early April, she chose items for the next basket – a picnic theme -to be distributed around Fathers’ Day.

“Our families love to receive these little tokens from us. It’s our way of showing our families that they are valued and cared for by the staff here at Dalla-Vicenza House,” Susan added. “We use them as a stepping stone to forming stronger relationships.”

“Staff here really keep family front and centre in all their plans. These hampers are my way of helping out with this ongoing collaboration.”