Guest blog by Warren Powers, Dalla-Vincenza unit manager

Dalla-Vicenza house, located in Regina, has a unique, family-centered residential care focus. At Dalla-Vicenza, families are made as much of a part of their children’s treatment as possible – including being able to stay at the house with their children. Everyone who comes into the house sees its guiding vision, framed as a beautiful piece of artwork and hung on the wall for a daily reminder of this concept.

The idea to have a visual statement came about well over a year ago during a team discussion in collaboration with Ranch Ehrlo’s Family Treatment Program. The team at Dalla-Vicenza knew their mandate was to include family work in their treatment approach, and wanted something to be displayed so that everyone entering the program was clear on the vision of the house’s staff and clients. The vision was honed over several group meetings using the initial brainstorm session as a jump off point. Staff explored values they wanted to role model for youth and families, keeping in mind the belief that success for youth meant including family in as many aspects of treatment as possible.

Finally, the team broke into small groups and each created a paragraph that summed up what they felt were the most important concepts that came from the discussions. House mom Susan Craig worked with a local company to come up with the background image and colour scheme, and the resulting piece now hangs proudly over the fireplace as you walk through the front door of Dalla-Vicenza House.

Dalla-Vicenza’s vision recognizes the importance of family-centered care, and staff work with both parents and children in a non-judgemental, supportive, and strengths-based manner to build skills and strengthen family relationships. Their goal, reinforced by their vision, is that youth are going to return to their family and a happy, healthy environment. Families visit Dalla-Vicenza to spend time with their children, but also to immerse themselves in an environment where they can learn and grow alongside their children in a supportive environment.

The final aspect of the Dalla-Vicenza’s vision references the importance of community. Families are encouraged to become involved in the community during their stay, building non-family relationships and making the transition out of care easier for all involved.


Dalla-Vicenza House vision