That’s a wrap on our fourth annual powwow!

MC Howie Thompson, a returning favourite, kept the crowd entertained between dances with lighthearted humour, and arena director Teddy Bison kept the schedule on track throughout the day.

The arena was filled with dancers of all ages, from Tiny Tots to Golden Age. The talent of each was on full display as they vied for the cash prizes. But while the money may be a great motivator, it’s not the reason for Ranch Ehrlo’s powwow.

“Our youth need to understand what it is to be at a powwow – a celebration of life. A lot of it has to do with getting connected back to their roots again, and realizing the importance of their culture in their life,” said educational assistant and organizer John Whitestar.

There’s a little more lighthearted reason behind our powwow as well – good old-fashioned fun. There are few places where this was more on display than at the free family carnival, which was packed with youth of all ages all day long.

Tucker, Ranch Ehrlo caseworker Chandy Kaip’s son, quickly determined that the pelican game was his favourite. As for the tickets he won?

“I want to get the skateboard!”

His younger sister Finley had a slightly different favourite place to be.

“I love the snow cones!”

Finley wasn’t alone in that sentiment – in spite of cooler temperatures that saw the popcorn sell out first, the snow cone and mini donut stations had a steady stream of customers all day long.

As always, we couldn’t have made this event happen without the generous support of our sponsors. Thank you for helping us bring culture and fun to our youth and the community at large for another year!

Event sponsors


Drummer/dancer sponsors


Canteen sponsors


Family carnival sponsors


Print sponsor