Habitat siteStaff and a few clients of Ranch Ehrlo Society have once again proved what a community-minded organization it is both inside and outside of the workplace.

On Feb. 26th, several staff and clients from the education team and a few from other areas of the agency headed out to help work on a Habitat for Humanity house at Haultain Crossing in Regina.

Volunteer coordinator Kim Buchan was contacted by Habitat’s Regina build team to see if any employees from the agency would be interested in helping out for a day. She quickly saw the potential.

“I think the big thing with opportunities like this is that it gives us a chance to do some advocacy for Ranch Ehrlo; public education around what the Ranch is and what it is that we do. I think that there are a lot of misconceptions out there in the community about the clients that we work with and the work that we do,” she explained.

The ties between a program like Habitat for Humanity and Ranch Ehrlo Society’s own affordable housing program, Ehrlo Housing, can’t be discounted either.

Ranch staff donned hardhats and steel toed boots and spent the day doing concrete work on the interior of the pouring concretehouse, after some training by Habitat employees.

“We have lots of community partners that work with us, and it’s good for us to give back to the community as well,” Kim added.

Habitat for Humanity has been providing families with a hand up to break the cycle of poverty through homeownership since 1993. Through volunteer labour and donations of money and materials, Habitat Regina builds safe, decent and affordable homes alongside community partners.

Once completed, Habitat homes are sold to partner families with no down-payment and an interest-free mortgage. Monthly mortgage payments go crewinto the Fund for Humanity, which is used to continually build more homes for Regina families.