Guest blogger Cindy Freeman

How integrated Ranch Ehrlo students are graded

In terms of grading at the elementary school level, even if a student is only in one or two regular mainstream classes, they will still receive a mark from that teacher, based on their assignments and exams.  If things have to be adapted, that is ok too.  They will still receive a grade based on their adapted work.  For the students who are fully integrated into regular classes, they are evaluated just like any other student by their mainstream teachers, and receive a report card from the Regina Public School system.  I assist them with homework and make sure they keep up with things but their work is not evaluated or assessed by me. 

How Ranch Ehrlo students are graded

Conversely, students in Ranch Ehrlo elementary classrooms are evaluated by their individual education plans (IEPs), which typically outlines usually six-8 goals for each student to work on throughout the year.  Additionally, we provide report cards three times per year, which rate students on a scale of 1 – 4 and are heavily weighted by participation and effort.  For example, if a student is working well below their age appropriate grade level and trying extremely hard and making an effort, he/she will probably get a 3 out of 4 on his/her report card.  In terms of the scale, 1 = not acceptable, two = Satisfactory, 3 = exceeding, and four = outstanding.  This reporting is also used out at Schaller School as well as in all the in-town Ranch classes.  The Ranch report card is not the same as the Regina Public School’s report card; however, we do share a very similar rubric regarding participation, respect, independence and responsibility.