Chad Beloin stands in MacKay House. He’s quiet while the memories of his time here wash over him. The house has been updated, the walls are different colours, but having spent half his childhood here, Ranch Ehrlo is still home base for him.

“If it weren’t for the staff at Ranch Ehrlo, if it weren’t for the staff at MacKay house, honestly – I don’t know where I’d be, but I don’t think I would be here.”

Chad was born in Saskatoon. For half his childhood, he was raised in Hafford, Saskatchewan. The other half was spent at Ranch Ehrlo Society. Chad spent time in both MacKay and Jewison houses, and on the Corman Park campus, working through anger, depression, and abandonment issues.

“I hung out with a bad crew. I didn’t make the best decisions. Even when I was (at the Ranch), I didn’t make the best decisions,” he admits.

Chad and Dallas Chad and Dallas

Chad is reflective for a moment before saying, again, that he’s grateful for the staff and all they’ve done for him.

“At the end of the day, these people are changing and saving lives. On behalf of all the past youth, and the future youth – thank you.”

We invite you to join us in celebrating youth finding themselves like Chad at our 50th anniversary celebration, Sept. 29th at the Queensbury Convention Centre in Regina.