It is perhaps fitting that the newest home on Ranch Ehrlo’s Pilot Butte campus is named for past chair Jim Kenyon. After all, Jim’s involvement with the Ranch began in the early 2000s when he lent his structural engineering expertise to the design and construction of several group home projects.

Andtea Andrea Brittin

Jim joined the agency board in 2007 and served as board chair in 2012 and 2013. He stepped down in 2015. During his tenure, Jim led the board through a period of transition with the sudden passing of Ranch founder, president and CEO Geoff Pawson in early 2012.

Learning that the newest house would bear his name was a humbling moment for Jim and he thanked other board members and Ranch senate members and stated that everyone shared in the new house’s opening.

“This new building is another example of the commitment of the Ranch to building a better community for everyone,” Jim said. “Thank you all for this great honour.”

The newest home is a replacement for the outdated “old Mitchell” house, which became a temporary home to emergency receiving services when the program expanded. When the initially short-term contract with the ministry became permanent in Sept. 2014, it became apparent that a new house was needed. Construction was completed in December 2015.

The Emergency Receiving Program provides emergency receiving services for children ages 12 to 15 on a short-term basis, up to 30 days, while the Ministry of Social Services develops a plan.

“We are celebrating the opening of Kenyon House but really the program is so much more than this house. The program is really Shane (unit manager) and his staff who open up the door at any time of day or night to youth who need this service,” explained Andrea Brittin Ranch Ehrlo president and CEO. They provide a warm meal, a friendly smile, and a safe space for youth in need.

Deputy Minister of Social Services, Greg Miller added, “I look at the work you do at the Ranch and I look at facilities like Kenyon House and I think about a kid coming in overnight, maybe not knowing what their next step is, and this place is here for them.”

The grand opening of Kenyon House was held on May 9th.

Jim Kenyon Jim Kenyon and his family in front of Kenyon House