If there’s one thing the staff and youth at Matheson House have in common it’s that they’re all thankful for one another.

On Oct. 7th, staff and residents of Matheson House in Prince Albert sat down to a full Thanksgiving meal prepared by house mom Ingrid Sinoksi. With guests, the attendance was near 30.

“We had the opportunity to have a few of our kids bring their friends on that day,” said Nicole Connelly, unit manager for Matheson. “That’s something we really encourage here at Matheson because we are transitioning them out of care and trying to provide the most normal kind of teenage lifestyle.”

“We also had staff bring their children, and we had a couple kids who were previously at Matheson join us as well. We like to encourage that, if kids are living in the area that used to live here, they’re more than welcome to join us for Thanksgiving and Christmas and such.”

In the spirit of the holiday, all of the attendees had the opportunity to share what they were thankful for. Nicole said it was heartwarming to hear that many of the youth were thankful for what the Ranch and its staff have done for them during their time in care.

“I had two youth who just came last week and one came right from home. He was very thankful to be given the opportunity to come here,” Nicole said. “That’s what he gave thanks for – his worker, and the Ranch for being able to help him out in his time of need.”

Everyone in attendance then dug into a delicious meal, which included pie and sundae bar for dessert.