Hi, my name is Ranch Ehrlo Society! My friends call me ‘the Ranch’ for short. I’m primarily a residential treatment facility for youth, but I can also help people from six to 60; boys and girls, men and women, moms and dads.

I have a lot of jobs. The ones I spend a lot of time on are helping youth get back to their home communities or transition into independent living.

I have a lot of friends who work to help me with that – social workers, counsellors, youth care workers, and speech and language pathologists are a few of the professions who can be found on my ‘front lines’, but there are also a lot of really smart people working behind the scenes to help me get my job done, like accountants, IT techs, and other administrative specialists!

All of my treatment programs are based on four cornerstones: treatment, education, work, and recreation.

I also provide recreational opportunities for inner city youth, housing for low-income families, and early learning for young children in Regina. Lots of great people help me with those parts of my job as well, including volunteers who just want to spend time with me out of the goodness of their hearts.

You’ve probably gathered that I’m pretty busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

This year is my 50th birthday, but I’m still young at heart. Helping kids and families is my passion and I know I’ll be around for another 50 years at least!

So what’s next? I hope you leave a message for me below.