Ranch Ehrlo’s Family Treatment Program (FTP) has experienced great success and expansion since its inception in 2006.

With increasing demand and a growing waitlist, families are participating in the program with hopes to reunify their families or keep them together.

The FTP is the only program of its kind in North America, working to improve family safety, family functioning, and child well-being. Families are provided with 24/7 on call services, intensive in-home family support services, clinical and educational services, counselling, family therapy, family camp, cultural programming and more.

We realize that starting a new program, opening your life to strangers, and perhaps relocating from your home community is a scary step for many. We won’t tell you how to feel or what to expect, we’ll let you listen to parents who have participated in the program themselves.

“It’s the most support I’ve ever had. I don’t even know how to thank these people,” Daryl, father of two, said of the staff. “They want you to succeed in this program; they advocate for you all the way.”

Listen to more of what Daryl and fellow parents had to say about their experiences, and learn more about what to expect when you come to the family treatment program.

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