Ranch Ehrlo Society’s Family Treatment Program provides caregivers the opportunity to learn new skills and strategies to reunite their families and keep them together through the reunification process.

“Reunification is an exciting and challenging time for families,” explained Jill Kusisto, Family Reunification Therapist and group facilitator. “This group will help parents feel more prepared to have their children come home.”

The Reunification group is a six-week program that runs each Wednesday afternoon from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m., beginning on April 22nd. The group will focus on common challenges associated with reunifying with children that have been removed from parental care and provide caregivers guidance and support from the facilitator and other participants in a non-judgmental, supportive environment.

“We talk about things that have changed and really try to bring awareness to the fact that both they and their child have changed,” said Jill. “We stress the importance of getting to know one another all over again.”

The group has operated twice before, receiving great feedback from parent participants, said Jill.

“Parents have said how much they enjoy hearing from other parents’ experiences. There’s generally a mix of parents who have already been reunified and some that are approaching that stage, so the group is a great way for everyone to see the experience from a different perspective.”

The six-week, two hour sessions include topics such as understanding the ways in which you and the child have changed; the importance of play and building strong, healthy attachment; re-establishing routines; dealing with strong emotions; parenting, discipline and communication; and reconnecting to the community and building supports and boundaries.

“Reunification can be really hard,” said Jill. “Even if you’re an amazing parent, with amazing skills, there will be lots of things you’ll experience that you never expected or experienced before. Instead of being caught off guard, this group discusses those issues and prepares parents for what to expect.”

The Reunification group is open to any caregivers who have recently reunified or will reunify with a child in care. Child care is available for those who have young children and need supervision.

For more information or to register, contact Jill Kusisto at 306-520-4582.

dad's support group information