Staff and youth at Ranch Ehrlo’s Buckland campus are staying active and learning about the great outdoors with the Outdoor Adventure/Cultural Program (OAP).

The program offers learning opportunities and recreational activities through a variety of outdoor experiences.tagline

“It really started in 1966 when Geoff Pawson started Ranch Ehrlo because the agency has always offered outdoor programming,” said Ron Schlamp, one of the program coordinators and unit manager for Klassen House. “We just think we do it better here.”

OAP began nearly three years ago at Klassen House when staff identified the physical and emotional benefits of outdoor programming. Ron and youth care worker Kevin Schultz were also able to provide specialized wilderness and canoe training to the youth.

“These are experiences that connect the kids to their culture and instill a tremendous amount of pride in the kids,” said Ron.

“It’s an awesome experience for the kids,” Kevin agreed. “They develop skills and they develop self-worth. It’s reaffirming, it’s positive, and it teaches the kids that they are capable of accomplishment.”

outdoor equipmentYouth have enjoyed many outdoor experiences thus far. They have completed a trail for cross-country skiing, set rabbit snares, ventured out on a snowshoeing expedition with headlamps, spent the night in the Tee Pee with a feast of moose meat and fixings, and have spent time collecting and stockpiling firewood to further their work project efforts.

After meeting with representatives from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment, staff and youth from Klassen House also spent a few days working to clean up the garbage dump site within the Nisbet forest.

“There is a moment in time and space during every excursion that we have a little hardship,” said Kevin. “But when the kids get over that crux it is an incredible moment; it’s so empowering for each them.”

OAP runs each Tuesday at Klassen House, and has since expanded its programming to include youth from Alex Guy House and Matheson House.