A little reminder and a pop of colour can go a long way in improving our well-being.
So, what better way to do this than by creating a positivity garden for our participants.
Led by Jennifer Aldom, a youth care leader at Lee House, the positivity garden helps set the tone in the program. It was created by Ranch youth who painted vinyl records with positive words.
“It’s nice, colourful, cheerful, and uplifting,” Jennifer said. “It can help bring them back down if they are a little off base in their environment.”
It fits with Ranch Ehrlo’s CARE model, in which we’re ecologically oriented to provide supportive environments to ensure growth. It also builds relationships between fellow participants and staff.
Jennifer created the garden because she thought Lee House could use some extra happiness. In her spare time at home, she paints vinyl records to brighten her space.
“I figured what I do at home would also work well at Lee House,” she said. “The youth worked really hard on them and I’m proud of them.”
Jennifer plans to keep the garden up for the foreseeable future. As new youth come into the program, they’ll be able to paint their vinyl records and put them on the wall.