Guest blogger Cindy Freeman

Being a part of the school community

At Rosemont, we strive to be a part of our and school and help create a sense of community and belonging.  We do this by making sure that we get involved in everything that is going on at Rosemont School.  For example, there are “integration days” at Rosemont School, where all the students go from classroom to classroom, participating in various activities.  Our kids participate in this day and we welcome all the other students into our classroom.  It is a safe space for everyone; Ranch students and regular students have a lot to talk about and share many of the same issues.  It helps them to feel a part of, and to mingle and meet other students.  We also assist in delivering the daily snack offered by Rosemont Community School and participate in recycling at the school.  

Helping Ranch students be part of the school community

Some of the Ranch kids show great interest and initiative to become involved with the School community, while others need to be gently guided.  The main criterion for them to become involved is that they have to be able to handle it—be able to regulate their emotions and behavior and not become overwhelmed.  They also need to be able to take direction from a teacher/staff member not involved with Ranch Ehrlo.  Our students are involved in athletics, clubs, and so on.  If the activity or game happens after school time, we will make every effort to attend or watch; however, it is generally up to the residential side of Ranch Ehrlo to assist with picking the youth up from their activities.  That being said, many of the activities and clubs at Rosemont Community School happen during the school day so we are able to assist in supervision and keep track of schedules for the youth.