Ehrlo Child & Family Foundation In 2012, the Ehrlo Child & Family Foundation (ECFF) established the Dr. Geoffrey Pawson Legacy Fund to continue the efforts of Geoff Pawson, the founder and former CEO of Ranch Ehrlo Society.

Under the banner of the Dr. Geoffrey Pawson Legacy Fund, ECFF continues the work Geoff loved to do by supporting initiatives that “fill the gaps” in programming and services to provide youth and families with opportunities to reach their full potential.

“During the past year, we asked the community to help the ECFF support recreational and physical activity programs for young people through the Dr. Geoffrey Pawson Legacy Fund,” explained Punam Burnett, ECFF chairperson.

The inaugural fundraising campaign, Removing Barriers, focused on removing barriers such as equipment and transportation costs and registration fees which sometimes prevent youth from participating in recreational and sport programs.

With the generosity of dozens of donors, Phase One of the Removing Barriers campaign reached and surpassed its goal of $100,000, raising a total of $155,955 at the time of completion on June 30, 2013.

Thus far, two organizations have been selected as grant recipients. Because of donors support and generosity, 20 young people will benefit from recreational programs offered by Street Culture Kidz. North Central Family Centre (NCFC) will also benefit from the grant, supporting their delivery of the NCFC Youth Sports and Recreation Program.

“Over the coming months, we will see first-hand the power of your generosity as we receive reports from these organizations,” said Punam. “We anticipate that more organizations will receive support during 2013-14.”

ECFF will move into the second phase of the Removing Barriers campaign in the coming months, with the ultimate goal of fundraising $250,000 by 2015.

ECFF was established in 2007 to further the efforts of Ranch Ehrlo Society, and to receive and manage funds for the exclusive purpose of making gifts to qualified donees, including the Ranch and charities with similar mandates.

For more information or to make a donation, visit or call 306-536-7555.