Ranch Ehrlo Society’s Treatment Foster Care program (TFC) is excited to announce the development of new services for foster children and parents. We are currently seeking five qualified foster parents to join our impassioned team of professionalized foster families.

family playing Treatment foster family

“There is a need for good quality homes to provide services for youth who can function within a family environment and would benefit from being a part of a family,” explained Lisa Neill, senior program manager. “Since we started this program, the outcomes have been very favourable,” she added.

Ranch Ehrlo’s Treatment Foster Care provides a wide range of supports for families and competitive professional remuneration for all parents in our program.

In 2015-16, the program served 14 children. Over half of them were nine or younger, and nearly all of our foster parents (91 per cent) said they believe our organization responds proactively to challenges and conflicts associated with placements. Since the program started in 2012, 88 per cent of children have been reunited and are still living with family six months after leaving the program.

“While our ideal goal is to reunify children with families, we recognize that everyone’s family situation looks a little different,” Lisa said. “We’ll work with each and every situation to make the most of developing a child’s opportunities for a successful and bright future.”

family in front of a tee pee “We’ve developed a very professional, supportive type of career opportunity for people that are interested in providing healthy opportunities for young children in care and their families, to give them a chance at being successful,“ she continued.

Those who are interested in becoming foster parents are encouraged to contact Lisa. Education, such as a social work degree, and experience with fostering or working with children who may have special needs or developmental issues is a plus but is not required for application.

More information about the program can be found here.