Summer is the time to spend horsin’ around.

Ranch youth and families from the Treatment Foster Care Program and other Ranch Ehrlo programs are preparing to trot along the trails with the herd at Buckland campus.

The northern Ranch Ehrlo property (just outside of Prince Albert) is unique with its delivery of Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) and Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT). The horse programs allow youth to simultaneously participate in recreational activity and self-discovery.

During the summer months, facilitators open the trails and the doors to the Donalda Hansen riding arena for a special summer camp program that spans six weeks through July and August.

The week-long camps provide youth with a therapeutic experience that allows them to participate in ground work, riding lessons, trail rides, and games while learning more about themselves and working on personal goals.

“We do EAL in the morning which includes all of our ground exercises that deal with life skills and working toward goals like trust, problem-solving, active listening, and relationship building,” explained Amanda Snell, program leader. “We focus on specific objectives with the exercises and then debrief afterward by reintegrating the objective and paralleling it to what’s happening in their lives.”

When the morning lessons have finished, the youth are responsible for feeding, watering, and caring for the horses. After lunch, the youth venture out onto the trails – crossing rivers, discovering new territory, and basking in the freedom of the great outdoors.

“We base everything on the lowest skill level and the highest fear factor,” explained Amanda. “A youth will not be forced to get on to the horse, but they are expected to contribute to and participate in the group even if they are in the arena standing far from the horse. We modify the program to what the children can do.”

Given the number of  youth living at the Ranch, the horse camp is one program that’s in high demand throughout the summer.

The first horse camp of 2015 kicked off on June 29th.