More than a dozen Ranch staff took the opportunity earlier this month to learn how to better survive and thrive in Saskatchewan’s north.

The multi-day training exercise took staff to Ranch Ehrlo’s Chitek Lake campground to gain further education and experience in the remote wilderness.

Between June 15th and 17th a group of staff representing all the programs scheduled to camp at Chitek Lake this summer participated in an onsite camp training experience. During the three-day period, staff were divided into groups and rotated through a series of training sessions including safety, supervision, participation, canoeing, orienteering, health and hygiene, fire building, boating and UTVing, and toilet cleaning.

“A total of 19 staff enjoyed the training and everyone had an opportunity to develop some new skills, learn from each other, develop new relationships, exchange some great ideas and resources, and have some great fun during the process,” said Karl Mack, senior director of residential treatment.

Fly-in camps such as Norbert and Dryer, and even the land-accessible Chitek Lake, are remote camping destinations for many Ranch youth and staff during the summer months. The beautiful, yet isolated locations offer campers the opportunity to challenge the conveniences of modern day technologies.

Help isn’t always a phone call away and the nearest aid isn’t around the corner. Up in the north, staff and youth are very much self-reliant and require special skills to successfully “live off the land” and meet daily challenges.

The northern destinations demand a great amount of competence and confidence from the staff who are responsible for keeping the youth safe and secure, explained participant and unit manager Ron Schlamp.

In these remote locations, knowledge is power.

“All these efforts are aimed at ensuring the young people at Ranch Ehrlo and our staff have a safe and meaningful summer camp experience,” said Karl.