andreaTrust takes time to earn and isn’t easily given. We understand and recognize that sharing your secrets, your deepest thoughts, and confronting hurtful emotions or fearful situations is difficult.

But at Ranch Ehrlo, you’re secrets are safe with us. We have a confidentiality policy that we take very seriously; it’s the only print document that each and every staff is required to sign. Of course we have hundreds of other policies but the Confidentiality Policy is one that is held higher than the rest.

You have probably seen us on the news, read about us in the paper, heard us on the radio, or followed us on social media. While you may have caught glimpses of our clients’ faces, you’ve likely seen their profiles or the backs of their heads; you’ve noticed “names have been changed”, or that details have been omitted. We don’t do this to skew perceptions or to remain elusive; we do this to protect our clients.

Client confidentiality is something that we honour and regard as highly important in the work that we do. If someone wishes for their story (their past or their present) to be shared, we give them that choice.

Our Confidentiality Policy extends much further than protecting the identity of our clients, and includes the storage, accessibility, and release of records; research, evaluation and public presentation; public performance and public statements.

This important policy is at the core of what we do and how we do it.

Our policy regarding confidentiality not only protects our clients from the potential damaging effects of releasing information, but it also protects our employees and the agency itself. We realize that the exchange of information between professionals and governing bodies is necessary to provide adequate and knowledgeable treatment but we are careful how and who we share information with.