Trudy Bosch Trudy Bosch

In the past our philosophy was to keep kids at the Ranch as long as we could because it was good for them. Over the years we have responded to research that tells us kids need to be connected to their communities as quickly as possible following a time of stabilization, assessment, and treatment that we provide at Ranch Ehrlo.

Today our goal is to work with the ministry and other community groups to get kids connected to not only the families, but to their communities and community resources. Last year the average length of stay in our programs was 18 months, down from 18.5 months the year prior.

After discharge our six?month client follow?ups revealed a 3% increase of residents with a moderate to high involvement in community activities and 96% reported positive relationships with family and peers.

This change in thinking helps kids like Alex*. Alex, a transplant from St. Johns, was at the Ranch for a year and a half. After successfully completing his program he returned to his home and successfully integrated back into his community. Today Alex is in a welding program and making plans for his future.